Thursday, December 25, 2008

Christmas- I Love It

Paul brought us a Christmas tree before we went to Florida in December. I was so excited. It had been nearly two years since we had a tree (I think my parents got tired of the mess). This year I tried really hard to make it Christmas around house. Everything for hanging lights the day after Thanksgiving to wrapping presents and putting them underneath the tree. I can't wait for Christmas to come again this year! Scout is so unamused with me when I get out the camera. I don't think he appreciated me taking pictures of the Christmas tree and then him. Paul and Rachelle got a puppy, Corbin, for Christmas. He was adorable. He and Scout had some issues at first but now they are best friends. Scout was even upset with Paul and Rachelle came over last weekend without Corbin.
This year Christmas was quiet around our house. Mathew went to Colorado to spend Christmas with Andrew and enjoyed a week touring the ski resorts of Colorado. I must say I was more than slightly jealous to be left out of this adventure. Next year guys.....As usual, we spent the holiday at my grandmother's house. We brought her a television. She was very surprised. It was time for the old tube to go. Paul loved his gift. Chocolates. He probably ate them all that same day and then complained of a stomach ache. Only kidding Paul. I'm sure it took you two days to finish them.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

My Favorite Time of Year

No, I'm not going to talk about the snow again (although I am sort of tempted). I love the holiday season. I enjoy the music, the lights, the cold air, short days, and of course all the shopping! But, I think the one thing I enjoy most is giving gifts. I love everything about gift-giving, from making my list and purchasing the gifts all the way to wrapping and giving the present away. This year I was most excited to give Tiffany and Troy's little girl, Audrey, her gift. I got her a Cabbage Patch Doll. I remember getting my first Cabbage Patch Doll in the early eighties. This year marks the 25th Anniversary of the Cabbage Patch Doll. I thought it was only appropriate that Audrey have her first CPD as well. Perhaps I was a little more excited to give it away than she was to get it, but I still think she liked it. I think her mom liked it too. Tiff remarked how wonderful it was to receive a gift for Audrey that doesn't make noise! I hope Audrey enjoys it.

Friday, December 19, 2008

Holiday Girls' Dinner

Instead of purchasing gifts for each other this year, we decided to spend the evening together over a fabulous meal. We picked T. Cooks at the luxurious Royal Palms Resort in Scottsdale. The food was more wonderful than I expected. I think each of us felt this way. We were not disappointed with our meal. It was so nice to spend the evening together, just the girls. Everyone is so busy with life now it's harder and harder to find the time when we can be together. Amanda is getting married in four months, and this month Lindsey and Jenn both became engaged. Life goes by so fast, it was so nice to take a moment during the holiday season and reflect on our friendships.
To ALL my friends: I'm so grateful for the understanding, love, support, and unconditional friendship that you give me. It's the greatest gift I could ask for. Thank you!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Lubbock, Texas- I Need Not Return

I traveled to Lubbock, Texas this past week for work. I must say, if I never return to Lubbock, I will not be saddened. I get a kick out of Texas, football fields and oil fields. Football in a small town is just as important as football in a big city, sometimes I think it might be more so in a small town. Lubbock has one thing- Texas Tech. Lubbock is the home of Buddy Holly and Bobby Knight's Red Raiders. It's a fairly small city in Norther Texas, between New Mexico and Oklahoma. I did get a kick out of the picture below. Texas is the "Lone Star State", so it was totally appropriate to have a "loan star" in Texas. A few other shops like the sharp shooter and taxidermist did catch my eye as well, but this is a fairly short post.
From Lubbock, I travel approximately eighty miles southeast to a small town called Snyder. Along the way I drove through oil fields, cotton fields, and windmill fields (like the big ones near Palm Springs). I must say I am fascinated with small town America. Small town America in the mid-west is not far removed from a small town in any other part of the nation. I believe the chasm between the haves and have-nots is greatly exemplified in these small towns. The poor work jobs for minimum wage while the haves own land and prominent businesses in these towns. It's hard to find a "middle class". The towns are crumbling. Buildings are vacant and dilapidated. Here is a windmill I found in someone's yard.
An original Sinclair gas station, old pumps and all.
It was definitely an interesting place to visit. But it's cold, windy and smells like oil. My client referred to it as the "smell of money." I don't like that smell of money. I'll keep my debit card.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Florida in December

I made a rather unexpected trip to Florida this month to visit my grandparents. My mother, father and brother, Andrew, came along and made it sort of a family trip. Paul started a new job so he was not able to make the trip. And Mathew had finals so he was unable to make the trip as well. Lucky for Andrew he celebrated his birthday while we were in Florida. My aunt and grandmother went all out for the happy occasion.One afternoon we headed to "Ding" Darling wildlife refuge on Sanibel Island. We had a pretty good time looking at all the animals. We only found one alligator. He looks like a log floating in the water...but it's not a log. He was watching all the birds. The mangrove trees provide homes for all types of animals. The red mangrove trees were the prettiest but I liked the picture of this grove:
Can you find the bird in this picture? I was so happy that I was able to see my grandparents during the holiday season. I wish I was able to visit with them more often. Hopefully, my next trip back won't be long delayed.

Monday, December 1, 2008

No Children, But I Have a Scout

I have no children so I talk about my dog, a lot. The other day I referenced him as an "only dog" instead of usual term "only child". He is so happy when I walk through the door that it warms my heart. Sometimes he'll follow me around the house just so he doesn't have to be alone. He is a great friend to me. He truly is a member of our family. My parents swore no dog would ever live inside the house. Scout does. No other dog was given weekly baths. Scout gets them. No dog has ever dictated to our family. We all listen to Scout. For over seven years he has been a part of our family. I really don't know what I would do without him. He is so smart and so loving. So, when I see him sad, it's breaks my heart. My brothers are his most favorite people. He loves the boys, probably because they wrestle with him, take him running, and let him play in the front yard. Mathew and Andrew left after being home for the holiday weekend. Last night Scout laid in Mathew's room waiting for his return. When they weren't home by midnight, Scout moved to the front room, where he laid by the front door awaiting the boys. At some point in the night he gave up and probably realized they weren't coming home, especially since they packed their suitcases and loaded up their cars. (Scout knows what the suitcase means.) This morning I found Scout on his bed like this:He looked so sad curled up with his paw covering his face. He misses his friends. I'm sure he will be so excited come Christmas. The house will be busy and full again.