Saturday, January 24, 2009


So, 2009 has happily turned into "the year of the wedding." We have three friends marrying this year and two of them before June! When Lindsey, Shannon, and I had dinner together (no one else could make it), Lindsey surprised us with gifts. Shannon and I each received a little cookie in the shape of dress with a question in the middle. My question read: "Sara, will you be my maid of honor?" I was so excited I nearly jumped out of my seat at Corbin's. Lindsey is certainly setting the bar high for Shannon and I now! ha ha ha. I'm so excited to be in Lindsey's wedding and to be able to stand up for her. December will be here in no time!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Utah- The First Trip of 2009

Every year in January Park City is a major destination for all sorts of people. The Sundance Film Festival lures them in. This year I was no exception, though I did have another reason for hitting Utah on opening weekend. Rachel, Lauren, Kristen, and Gloria were staying in Park City for skiing and the festival. I decided to join them for the first half of MLK weekend. We had a FANTASTIC time.

On Saturday, we spent the day skiing Park City Mountain. It was sunny and nearly 40 degrees outside. There wasn't fresh snow but we found some powder in the woods. Have you ever seen so many coats on the red carpet?! Thanks to Glo we were on our way to Ashton and Demi's Spread party. Good times.

While I was in Utah, I was also able to spend time with Autumn, Tim, and their families. I enjoy every moment I am able to spend with them. Meeting little Nolan and being a part of his blessing day meant so much to me. Only seeing them once or twice a year is not enough. I miss them very much.I stole this picture off Autumn's blog! Thanks girl!

Monday, January 19, 2009

Back to School

The past three weeks have been rather grueling for me! Well, that's not counting the trip the LA or the trip to Park City. That part was packed with fun. No, I'm talking about the three week statistics course I just finished. I didn't do too hot in stats during college, mostly because I didn't understand the dumb stuff. In order to start my MPA program this semester I had to take a three week online intensive course. I lost a lot of sleep and probably shed a few pounds due to stress but it was all worth it when I managed an A+ in the class! I never thought I could teach myself statistics and pass! Now, I'm ready to be a student again. I'm so excited!!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Goodbye 2008. Hello 2009!

New Year's Eve. There is something funny about New Year's Eve. It never seems to live up to all the hype. Well, I guess that is, unless I go somewhere. This year I decided to spend the final moments of 2008 with Rachel and Sarah in Los Angeles. It was a fabulous way to ring in the new year. Why do I not live in LA? I should move. The SC wristband Rachel is wearing in the picture above is only a slight indication that these were some USC fans. Since we were so close to Pasadena anyway, we went to the Rose Bowl on New Year's day. It was definitely a sight to see and I got to be honorary USC alum for the day. I must say I was exhausted by the end of the game however. I had been going non-stop since I hit the airport mid-day on NYE. My pajama's never sounded so good.