I left San Francisco and met the family in Florida for a family vacation. A week on the beach was just what I needed. I had lots of fun with family and visiting my grandparents. Paul even brought Rachelle to meet the grandparents. Mathew trying to dress like me.....he's just jealous of my style. Grandma, Cyndi, Mom and I had brunch at the Sanibel Island Resort. It was so beautiful We always enjoy our girls' lunch when we get together. While we were at lunch one day, the boys went fishing. Paul caught the biggest fish, while Drew caught some rays. I was sad for our trip to end. It wasn't nearly long enough and I didn't get to take enough pictures. I guess that means I have to go back soon!
I went to visit Beth in San Jose for the weekend. Another friend, Sarah, came along as well. We had such a good time in San Jose and San Francisco. We "biked the bridge" from fisherman's warf to Sausalito. It was about a seven or eight mile ride. We were in luck and it was a beautiful sunny, seventy-five degree day in San Fran. We couldn't have asked for better weather. We also hit up Ghirardelli Square (yummy) and Stanford in Palo Alto, holy smokes it was beautiful! The best part of the trip was visiting Beth and staying up late talking. Sometimes I don't realize how much I miss people until I see them again. I definitely miss Beth a lot but I am so happy she has found such a fabulous home in San Jose (until she returns to Phoenix anyway. Hint. Hint. ha ha ha.).
Well, I am just about the worst blogger ever! I apologize. The summer has been strangely busy for me. Actually, all of 2009 has been strangely busy for me!! I spent most of June in a sling from my 4th shoulder surgery. I was not too excited to learn that it was going to be nearly six weeks in a sling rather than the two I anticipated. No bueno. Then I endeavored in physical therapy until August. I could not have managed without my mom. She's so wonderful. While I was still in a sling I began the process of purchasing a home! Totally unexpected. I discovered I could own a home for less than it would cost me to rent downtown. I'm supposed to close on the 25th- cross your fingers for me. It's been quite the cycle. Pictures will follow as soon as I have the keys! I also managed to fit in a trip to San Francisco and a trip to Florida. Posts will follow. The semester started at the end of August. So much for all the free time I thought I had. I'm booked up to the rest of the year!