Monday, January 19, 2009

Back to School

The past three weeks have been rather grueling for me! Well, that's not counting the trip the LA or the trip to Park City. That part was packed with fun. No, I'm talking about the three week statistics course I just finished. I didn't do too hot in stats during college, mostly because I didn't understand the dumb stuff. In order to start my MPA program this semester I had to take a three week online intensive course. I lost a lot of sleep and probably shed a few pounds due to stress but it was all worth it when I managed an A+ in the class! I never thought I could teach myself statistics and pass! Now, I'm ready to be a student again. I'm so excited!!


Tiffany said...

Yeah!! Sara- this is awesome. Congratulations on the grade- what a satisfying reward for the long 3 weeks.

MLarsen said...

Congrats...wanna take my stats course for me?

Team Lawrence said...

Congrats! so proud of you!