Monday, October 6, 2008

Four Seasons- Not the Hotel

Sadly, I am not writing about a fabulous stay at the luxury resort. As the weather is changing all over the country from Summer to Fall, I got to thinking about the things I miss out on living in Arizona. Granted I get a sunny sixty degree day in January but there are definitely things I miss about living in Utah. Next to Winter, Fall is my most favorite season. The air changes, the temperature drops, and leaves change. Perhaps it's more the excitement that Winter is coming that I love it so much. I'm so ready for ski season that I check out the Alta website weekly. Here are a few of the most recent pictures of Little Cottonwood Canyon. This is why I miss Utah.
Yup, I took all the pictures from the Alta site for the last three weeks, but they are the prettiest! It's snowing in Utah, Colorado, and Montana within the next week! Needless to say I am very excited because those are all the places I am skiing this winter. Now, if it will only cool off in Phoenix!

1 comment:

MLarsen said...

I got my boots and bindings in earlier last week, I'm looking for some new boarding clothes and can't wait